Chimelong Safari Park, Guangzhou
Most of us heard about the Chimelong Water Park in Zhuhai, China. But did you know there are actually alot of Chimelong Theme Parks? The common one is the water park in Zhuhai, where most tourist go to because it is the closest one near Macau. However the entrance fee to the park is more expensive compared to the other branches. The other Chimelong branches are in Guangzhou with 3 kinds of theme parks. There's Chimelong Paradise; where there are mostly rides. Chimelong Water Park; which is like Ocean Park where they feature aquatic animals. And lastly Chimelong Safari Park; where they feature different sorts of animals you can find in the wild. The three branches are right next to each other, however each theme park has its own entrance fee.Which is about 350 RMB.
In this trip, we went to Chimelong Safari Park. We had to ride a train from Zhuhai to Guangzhuo, which cost about 70 RBM. There is an option to take a bus, but taking the train is more convenient and faster. The train ride was about 1 hour and 15 mins. We had to go through 5 stops and it takes 15 mins to go from one station to another. The train wasn't underground so we actually had a view of china. Despite the rooftops and factories we passed by, the view was actually better than expected. The train station at Guangzhou big and clean that it actually looked like an airport. When we got to Guangzhou, we took a taxi ride from the station to the theme park. It isn't that far and it was about 15 - 20 RMB.
The Chimellong Safari Park is at the very end, and probably the biggest of the parks. It may first seem like your ordinary zoo, but the further you walk the more you feel as if are being one with nature. The park is actually really big and based on the map we had, we just covered less than 1/4 of the park. It was too tiresome to walk around.So don't think about wearing fancy shoes. But if you do get too tired or hungry, there are restaurants located everywhere. The park also provides a mini cart that you can use (it's not free). You probably have to make time if you want to see the whole park, because it could take you the whole day on foot.
Here are some pictures of the animals we took on the trip.